The excitement of receiving stamps 

It is always great fun receiving stamps in the post. Even now, as a grown up, (almost), it is always a thrill to receive new stamps. 

It is not just the stamps IN the envelopes though, it is often the stamps ON the envelopes. 

Most dealers are kind enough to send interesting stamps on the envelope rather thank just the latest release or getting the envelope franked. I have received some right gems recently, including the example below. 

Four armada stamps! I mean, how kind was that? Those will definitely be finding their way into my collection. 

It is also interesting how different dealers and sellers package their stamps. Most send there’s in a small envelope with the stamps carefully placed on black card with a protective sheet. But I have received more inventive methods. Slotting the stamps between two pieces of heavily celotaped card is another preferred option and the bubble wrap sometimes gets a run out. 

I don’t think I will ever tire of receiving stamps. So…here’s to more deliveries! 

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